Photoshop Assignment #5

In my fifth Photoshop assignment, I combined multiple images of me using Photoshop's layer and masking tools. This involved using a tripod to take multiple pictures of the same location with me posing in different parts of it. Then, these images were combined into a single layer stack and the mask tool was used to isolate the different pictures of me. The final product has the interesting effect of showing multiple instances of one person in the same picture.

"Multiple Me" #1

"Multiple Me" #2

By completing this assignment, I got to learn a lot about the mask tool in Photoshop. While I had used the mask tool in my previous assignment (Photoshop #4) I didn't actually understand all the aspects of it. For instance, I didn't know how painting in white and black revealed and concealed, respectively. I also had never tried manually blending photos together; in the Panorama assignment, it was done automatically. Overall, I quite enjoyed this photoshop assignment and the different possibilities it allowed for, such as the passage of time that I depicted in my second photo.


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