Welcome to My Blog


My name's Maxwell Bauer.

I'm an amateur 11th grade photographer and this is my class-mandated blog.

In addition to being a photographer, I'm also a debater. And a cross country runner. And a Model UN-er. And a student council member. And... well, you get the point. I do a lot of things, and it costs me a lot of time.

My primary passion is school because I never have time for anything else. Well, technically my  passion is politics, but that is currently intertwined with my AP Gov class, so it kind of counts as school right now.

One day, I'll probably be a clinically depressed lawyer (akin to my father) and have forgotten all about my artistic pursuits, but today is not that day, which is why I'm in photography class.

I'm actually here because I like photography, though I don't claim to be any good at it. Also, my sister (who took it when she was in high school) recommended this class to me, which is another reason I decided to take it. I've had a little experience in the form Mr. Rodriguez's darkroom photography class, but that was over a year ago, so I'm a little rusty.

Anyways, enjoy the blog. My pictures might not be great, but at least I'm trying.

Oh, and side note― there won't be many people in my photography because I am very antisocial. I prefer plants.


Here is a picture of me because the instructions say I need to add one.


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